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Networks Viva Laughlin
Mountain News 10/18/07 Music disguises weak hand in 'Viva' Seattle
PI 10/18/07 'Viva Laughlin' is a crap shoot -- double entendre intended
News 10/18/07 'Laughlin' can't find its rhythm
Daily News 10/18/07 Quirky 'Viva Laughlin' hits high note for CBS
Dispatch 10/18/07 Critic's TV picks for Thursday: 'Viva Laughlin'
10/18/07 It won't set your soul on fire
Herald 10/18/07 New singing casino drama 'Viva Laughlin' goes bust
Lake Tribune 10/18/07 CBS takes a gamble with musical 'Viva Laughlin'
10/18/07 'Viva': Lifeless, even with the music Chicago
Tribune 10/17/07 'Viva Laughlin': The sing-along 'Showgirls' of the new TV
season? Kansas
City Star 10/17/07 New on the tube: ‘Viva Laughlin’ Newsday
10/17/07 Hugh Jackman, Lloyd Owen in CBS' 'Viva Laughlin' San
Francisco Chronicle 10/17/07 For Pete's sake, CBS, sing 'Viva' like you mean it Chicago
Sun Times 10/17/07 'Laughlin' can't hit high notes NY
Daily News 10/17/07 'Viva Laughlin' fails to hit the jackpot USA
Today 10/17/07 'Viva Laughlin': Think Elvis musical, just not as good Celebrity
Spider 10/15/07 Ripley Tries to Entice a High Roller From Nicky Next Week on
Viva Laughlin Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel 10/15/07 'Laughlin' falls off table; 'Band' has solid beat Pittsburgh
Gazette 10/14/07 Tuned In: Losing hand -- Don't bet on 'Viva Laughlin' Milwaukee
Journal 10/14/07 'Laughlin' falls off table; 'Band' has solid beat Uncle
Barky 10/12/07 Fall TV Preview: New series -- Viva Laughlin (CBS) Variety
10/12/07 Review: Viva, Laughlin BuddyTV
10/4/07 Viva Laughlin: ‘High School Musical’ for Adults? Celebrity
Spider 9/26/07 Viva Laughlin to Premiere Thursday October 18 on CBS Hollywood
Reporter 9/13/07 'Viva' song and dance: Showrunners toss dice Zap2It
8/24/07 New Showrunners For 'Laughlin' Hollywood
Reporter 8/24/07 Bensinger, DeKnight to run 'Laughlin' Digital
Spy 8/23/07 Living goes for US 'Viva Blackpool' remake USA
Today 8/22/07 Viewers love a good mystery, but with song? USA
Today 8/22/07 For CBS, 'Viva Laughlin' is a gamble Buddy
TV 7/19/07 CBS Holds Back Series Premiere of 'Viva Laughlin' MSNBC
7/19/07 'Viva Laughlin' Bursts Into Song
Spider 5/16/07 CBS Announces New Fall Drama Series Viva Laughlin
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